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Wiz Kidd • 2 years ago

0:30 No, but why'd Conan have to murder Azusa-chan like that?

bari • 2 years ago

i guessed the owner right too!

Sekai • 2 years ago

"You can even see his balls!"

Wiz Kidd • 2 years ago

You had to know what was coming when they were in the elevator with that unsettling BGM.

hereforfun • 2 years ago

Scary old hag LOOOOL

bari • 2 years ago


bari • 2 years ago

i cried when the cat meow-ed like :((

Hentai • 1 year ago


Hentai • 1 year ago


Watchforever • 1 year ago

Finally back to canon from the manga

Sailor Jupiter • 1 year ago

What she was trying to do was totally wrong, but I still feel really bad for that old lady and her granddaughter, one of my biggest fears is one of my cats going missing (๑°︿°,๑) Hopefully she found her in the end...

LesK • 1 year ago

that one dude really was tossing the dice with that trick. only around half of all cats, no matter the breed, carry the gene that makes them 'drunk/happy' when they're around catnip. that gene is so unreliably passed that you can have a male and a female who LIKE catnip, but some of their kittens WON'T like it and some WILL like it. i figured the dude put something like cod-liver-oil or rubbed some tuna or other stinky fish on his neck right before showing up to Cafe Poirot.

as to how valuable male calicos are? uhhh... i doubt they're THAT expensive, even in Japan. especially because ALL MALE CALICOS ARE INFERTILE! period. no question about it. the statistics are nearly impossible to imagine. of the studies i've read/articles 1 in 10,000 male calicos COULD have viable sperm. since 99.9% of all calicos who've been tested to date are FEMALE... that just shows you how hard it is to study the possibility that 1 in 10k of those nearly impossible male calicos have 'good swimmers'.

the mutation that causes the calico color pattern is NOT BREED SPECIFIC! the calico mutation has and can happen in ANY CAT BREED known to man. that mutation is inside/follows the X chromosome. when a cat fetus gets the XXY combination from its father that's when the calico mutation happens in males. that rare combination of sex chromosomes cases the low percentage of male birth rates. AND it also causes another mutation that makes male calicos not able to produce viable sperm. neutering a male calico just changes their behavior patterns due to testosterone production, gives the male cat a longer lifespan, and other benefits from neutering. also, if you've got a lady calico, don't expect her to ever produce even a single other female calico. the percentages of this are better than a fertile male, but still damn high.

christian engesæt • 2 years ago

Enough with the sex ed boys and lil whore Ayumi

Watchforever • 1 year ago

Why there not bad though